Area Christian Events

Church Announcements

Two Rivers Fellowship Church:
106 E 5th St, North Platte, NE 69101
Sundays at 5:00 pm Bible Study and at 6:00 pm Worship Ministries:
Truckers Church every Sunday 8:30am at the Flying J Truckstop
Women’s Bible Study on Mondays at 1:00pm
Wednesdays at 6:30pm Bible Study and Prayer
Thursdays Men’s Bible Study at 9:00am
Check out Two Rivers Fellowship Facebook page!
ALL ARE WELCOME! Contact Pastor Doug Lee at 308-539-1170

Cornerstone Church:
1620 W 4th St, North Platte, NE 69101
Phone: 308-660-7153
The Gospel Corner
First Friday of the month at 2p.m
Special Feature Guest
Contact Information: Debbie at 308-660-7153
1st Friday of each month at 2 pm. Doors open at 1:45 pm
The event is free.

Area Christian Event Announcements

Lauren Talley and Allison Spear Concert – Morning Star Church in Callaway, Nebraska
Pastor Mike Garner

Recurring Christian Events

MomCo Dawson County NE
1802 Kiowa Ln, Cozad, NE 69130
Phone: 402-382-8519
Meeting the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 11:30 am during the school year.
MomCo is a group of moms that are gathering together to be refreshed and encouraged. Awesome speakers in a relaxing setting with coffee and tea. Childcare if needed is provided by awesome grandmas. For more information find MomCo Dason County NE on social media.

UNITE: A Monthly City Wide Youth Service
We are excited to announce UNITE, a monthly united youth service for North Platte and surrounding areas. This event is open to all church youth groups in our area, 6th graders through 12th graders. We encourage you to invite the youth in your community to join us for an evening of worship, fellowship, and fun.

February Gathering: CANCELLED

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