KJLT & KJTF Home Page

Happy Easter! Without the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection there would be no hope. Our faith would be in vain. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. It is a gift of God.

Last year I shared about the need to extend our studio tower so that we could finish our HD3 Project. I am happy to report that project is now complete. The 94.9 channel now includes KJLT 970AM programming as part of the 94.9 signal known as HD3. Your support has made this possible!

In recent years listeners have provided the funds to purchase a much needed new transmitter for the 94.9 FM station as well as a new antenna. Generous support also made it possible to purchase the needed equipment for broadcast of 94.9 as HD1 or near CD quality crystal clear radio. Those with HD receivers can enjoy all of the programming that KJLT has to offer on the 94.9 FM channel. Our 89.3 programming is our HD2. The 970AM programming can now be heard as HD3 all of which are on the 94.9 FM channel. This is becoming a technology of the future.

The need has come to replace our Tower Lighting Systems. While not as exciting as some of the other projects of recent years it has become a necessity to replace it. A very important regulation for almost any radio tower, is proper lighting for aeronautic safety regulated by the FCC and the FAA. Our tower lighting systems have become obsolete to the point that some of the parts are no longer available in maintaining them. Also you may have noticed the typical incandescent lighting we have all been accustomed to has come to an end. Tower lighting typically uses 620 watt lamps as flashing beacons and they are becoming harder to obtain. The time will come where they are no longer available.

Replacement cost for both our 700 foot FM tower and AM tower is projected to be $25,000. This is a project that must be done. Any extra funds will go towards scheduled projects that need to be addressed in the near future.


Gary Hofer
General Manager

NOTICE! KJLT and KJTF streaming provider has been changed to Live365!

You can say to Amazon’s Alexa, “open live three sixty-five”, following that say “play kjlt” or “play kjtf”. Listening to our streams this way will avoid commercial advertisements.


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